Saturday 15 December 2012

Infusing front wishbones

Sunday 16 Dec 2012, 10am

Been doing a bit more Carbon Sequestration. This blog details the infusion of the second lower wishbone.

Firstly I cut the 19 layers of carbon cloth using a cloth cutter and cutting mat –

These are the stacked 19 sheets

Then I put the four layers of carbon tube (two diameters) over the primed aluminium tube, which has a piece of dowel inside it and the ends plugged with plasticene. Cean cloth used to handle it to prevent oil contamination from my hands. It has been washed with prepsol.

Here’s the prepared mould. Since it’s been used once already, it only needs one application of release wax and has been coated with mould release PVA. Note I’ve drilled a hole in the centre of the mould so I can infuse from the back to ensure complete penetration of the resin from both sides (it worked).

Then a layer of breather fabric and peel ply

Then the mat layers

Then the tube and unidirectional bundles

And two layers of unidirectional tape across the tube

Followed by peel ply and breather fabric

Then the bag is sealed with mastic and vacuum checked (14.2 lbs/sq. inch) and we’re ready to go

Infusing from the mould side

Then from the left

And the right

Infusion finished, vacuum applied to all four ports

As it came out of the mould the next day

After removing the peel ply and breather fabric. Penetration excellent.

Rough trimming with a router. Note alloy plate to prevent dust dropping into the router. Carbon fibre would destroy it. A fan off to the side helps. Wear a mask. Finished off with a file.

The next infusion was much simpler, making the two upper wishbones in one hit. I used 15 layers (much less stress on this member than the lower wishbone) of cloth and wrapped it around the plugged aluminium tube. It was held in place with tacks of superglue.

Infusing, with breather and peel ply underneath as before

As it came out of the mould this morning

Excellent penetration. Might all be a bit pointless if the world ends on Friday.

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